Thursday, July 3, 2008

Better Explained

This site is totally awesome. It's aim is to help you truly grok a topic - from Math to Business and even some programming stuff in between!

Check out this bit on demystifying the natural logarithm.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A note on being interviewed

I had a brief interview yesterday that was not what i expected it to be at all: i had one idea in my head before the interview, and left with a completely different one. The problem was that i didn't take it too seriously, the result being that i wasn't prepared enough.

The main crux of the interview was that i work alone - I don't have much experience working with teams and the tools that teams rely on to make their work possible. That's a pretty big negative for someone looking to put together a core team!

Another realization that i had is that people who work in teams, speak in a specific way. I suspect they think in a specific way too. The result is that it's easy to pick out the non-team guys from a mile away.

Is this a no-win situation? This is the part where it's important to know what you're all about, and what you want to get out of your career (and your life for that matter).

I recognize in myself that i have a series of weaknesses that would jeopardize future opportunities. The problem to date has been my complacency, my lack of self investigation. Without this inward inspection I've let some things slide because I'm in a pretty comfortable place and just haven't been hungry enough to scratch around in the dirt for a bit.

Going back to the interview with a new sense of self-awareness, i can quite comfortable argue that my lone ranger approach up until now has given me unique growth and my own tested opinion. And it's exactly this kind of experience that i can bring to a team - a solid test-driven set of practices that does not just follow in convention.

The point being, know what you're about. Recognize your weaknesses. Embrace them. See what lessons they have to teach. Consider what lesson they might still provide.