Saturday, April 19, 2008

Be passionate about sharing

I love the idea of sharing. I'm not talking about just giving stuff away for free, I'm talking about enabling other people with the resources that you have at your disposal. This in return should come full circle to the benefit of the community as a whole.

In the software industry this translates to open source software, where anybody can submit changes and enhancements to some common code pool, and if the changes are beneficial, it benefits all the members of that particular community. But, how does this idea translate to the real world, and what stands in the way of this kind of sharing?

Not much, i think. This morning i had a look at something called CoWorking. The basic idea is that some party provides a space that is used as an office by a number of freelancers and independents. The resources they share include things like photocopiers, internet connections etc etc.

What i find particularly remarkable about this kind of setup, is how this micro community stands to benefit from this kind of network: not only are physical resources made available to the members, but also joint venture opportunities and exposure to other professionals that might not have existed otherwise.

Also worth mentioning, is the benefit of culture. In this kind of setup it would emerge quite naturally based on the composition of the group members, and not as a result of some decreed 50 page document passed down from above. Culture in this case, is a best fit and not a one size must fit all.

For the most to come from a community you need members to actively contribute. In the case of sharing an office the most obvious contribution is that of paying rent. The less obvious contribution is that of enabling the people you share the space with to be able to pay the rent. This for me is the underpinning requirement of sharing effectively and the long term survival of the community: the benefits enjoyed by individuals, must be to the benefit of the community.

So, to close: enable those around you, benefit from those around you and be passionate about sharing.

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